Consecration of the ‘Chapel of Richard Duke of Normandy’ No 134
In September 2018, The Grand Secretary received an enquiry from a group of Knight Templars on the Island of Jersey. They are led by RE Kt. David Rosser, PGt1st Constable and amongst their number were many Notable Masons from the Channel Islands.
In short the request was, ‘We would like to open a Chapel on Jersey, how should we proceed’?
Six months later, on Saturday 23rd March 2019 and the Grand Master took an extremely large number of the Grand Team to Winchester Masonic Hall where in St Swithun’s Chapel No. 96, no less than fifteen Templars were admitted as Knights of our Order, with the sole purpose of founding the Chapel of Richard Duke of Normandy No 134, which will hold its meetings in the Masonic Temple, St Helier, Jersey on the Third Saturday in June and January.
Photo 1 The Knights from Jersey wait for the Consecration to start.

The Worthy Master of St. Swithun’s, Malcolm of Iford, and his Eminent Prior, Malcolm of Old Meldrum, who were ably assisted by Knights of the Chapel and Visiting Knights with a special mention of the Acting Marshal and Deputy Marshals Sir’s Ralph of Ludlow & Leslie of Warsash conducted a very sympathetic and well-conducted ceremony of admission, not easy with so many Knights to invest, and proclaim.
The Grand Master retired with Senior Knights of the Order whilst the Chapel was closed.
Photo 2 The Knights of the Chapel of Richard, Duke of Normand No 134

Following a short break, during which the Grand Marshal, Sir James of Nijmegen conducted a short practice for the benefit of our new knights, The Grand Team processed into the Temple and Sir Lee of Bromley by Bow, Grand Prior, opened Grand Masters Council.
The Grand Master, Sir Melvyn of Wud Plumpton, then conducted the Consecration of the New Chapel, in the time-honoured fashion in his usual relaxed style.
Photo 3 The Knights Present

Sir William then invested his Prior, now known as Sir David of Hautefage, (David Rosser), and then the remaining Officers of the Chapel. Following the adoption of the By-Laws the Consecrating team and the RW Grand Preceptor for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Sir Anthony of Southampton, were all elected as honorary members. The Grand Master responded on behalf of them all.
The Prior of St. Swithun’s Chapel, then presented the Knights of the New Chapel with the Bible on which they had taken their Obligations for use in the Chapel. The knights present greeted this with acclaim.
Photo 4 The Grand Master proposes the Toast to the New Chapel

The Grand Team retired and once the new chapel had closed, we all retired for reception drinks and then into a social board reflecting the importance of the occasion.
The atmosphere throughout both the ceremonial and social parts was tremendously friendly, and the buzz of this happy occasion will last in our memories for many years to come.
Photo 5 Sir William of Marchwood, Protector of Canterbury Worthy Master responds.

The Consecration of Chapel No 134, is the fourth this year and with another scheduled to take place in December in Tours, goes someway to prove that our Order is buoyant and heading in the right direction.
The Order is indebted to Sir’s Colin of Furness, Provincial Secretary Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, and Arthur of Timsbury, Dep. Provincial Secretary also the Chapel Secretary of No. 96 for all the hard work they put into organising the occasion.
Report by Sir Michael of Accrington, Grand Secretary, Photographs Courtesy of Sir Colin of Parr.
The Grand Secretaries Office is now open to receive further petitions for new Chapels..