October 30th saw a visit of the MW Grand Master to Canada to a meeting held at York Chapel No 66 at St Claire Masonic Hall, 6321 Regional Road 25, Milton, Ontario.
At this special meeting the MW Grand Master appointed and invested Sir Gordon of Port Perry to the Chivalric Order of Knight Caritas. He was proclaimed by the Herald and saluted by the Dep Grand Marshal. The MW Grand Master then appointed and invested Sir Howard of Sheffield to the rank of Past Assistant Grand Marshal.
The festive board was held prior to the meeting and with the following members who hold high rank in other orders in attendance.
Sir David of Avalon (David Hardie) – The Sovereign Grand Master of the Sovereign Great Priory of Canada.
Sir Bilardino of Malahide (Bil Segui) – The Supreme Grand Master of the Allied Masonic Degrees of Canada and The Chief Adept for the SRIA of Ontario West
Sir James of Brampton (James Leutri) – The Chief Adept for the SRIA of Ontario Central.
Sir Brian of Strathclyde (Brian Manson) – The Deputy Grand Master of Royal and Select Masters of Ontario